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Recovery after your procedure

You may be discharged from the hospital 1-2 days after your TAVI/TAVR procedure, and it’s recommended to have your caregiver with you.1

Before being discharged, your doctor might advise you on:

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recovery after tavi
recovery after tavi

How to care for the incision that was made for the procedure.2

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Medicines to prevent blood clots, infections or pain.2

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How to monitor your health for potential complications.3

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A heart-healthy diet.3

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Gradually increasing the extent of physical activity.2

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When you should visit the doctor for a follow-up.2

If you are unsure about how to take care of yourself after your TAVI/TAVR procedure, speak to your doctor

Do not delay getting your heart checked. Visit your doctor today.

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  1. SingHealth. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)/Percutaneous Aortic Valve Replacement. Available at: Accessed 23 October 2023.

  2. British Heart Foundation. TAVI (Transcatheter aortic valve implantation). Available at: Accessed 23 October 2023.

  3. Mayo Clinic. Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Available at: Accessed 23 October 2023.

Important safety information

Information on this site includes educational information regarding certain conditions and potential therapies or treatment options.

Other therapies or treatment options may be available and you should discuss any educational information you access online with your healthcare professional. Appropriate treatment for individuals is a matter for healthcare professionals to decide in consultation with each individual.