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Personalized guide

Your guide to Tavi
Your guide to Tavi
Your guide to Tavi

This guide and symptom tracker can be used as an aid in talking with your doctor at appointments. 

It can also help you and your doctor determine the severity of your aortic
stenosis, consider your treatment needs, and discuss your expectations and concerns.

Your guide to Tavi
Your guide to Tavi
Your guide to Tavi

Do not delay getting your heart checked. Visit your doctor today.

Visit your doctor
Visit your doctor
Visit your doctor

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Join our mailing list to stay informed about heart valve disease, aortic stenosis, and its treatment options including transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI)

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Important safety information

Information on this site includes educational information regarding certain conditions and potential therapies or treatment options.

Other therapies or treatment options may be available and you should discuss any educational information you access online with your healthcare professional. Appropriate treatment for individuals is a matter for healthcare professionals to decide in consultation with each individual.