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Is aortic stenosis a critical disease?

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woman smiling
  • Aortic stenosis often starts as a disease with no or mild symptoms.1
  • This might make you think that your condition is not serious.
  • However, without timely action, it may become serious.1
  • The good news is that aortic stenosis is treatable.2
  • The sooner your aortic stenosis is treated, the better your chances of a full recovery.2

How TAVI Transformed My Life: A Patient's Perspective

Unless treated, only 1 in 2 people with severe aortic stenosis will survive longer than 2 years.3

Do not delay getting your heart checked. Visit your doctor today.

Do not delay getting your heart checked. Visit your doctor today.

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  1. American Heart Association. Aortic Stenosis Overview. Available at: Accessed 25 Oct 2023.
  2. Cleveland Clinic. Aortic Valve Stenosis. Available at: Accessed 25 Oct 2023.
  3. Otto C. Heart. 2000;84:211-218.

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Information on this site includes educational information regarding certain conditions and potential therapies or treatment options.

Other therapies or treatment options may be available and you should discuss any educational information you access online with your healthcare professional. Appropriate treatment for individuals is a matter for healthcare professionals to decide in consultation with each individual.